Saturday, January 23, 2016


This was terrible.
A car wreck of a novel, no pun intended.

I've had my share of mediocre novels, I've even had a few stupid and boring ones, but I never had one that just disgusted me.
When I read the premise I thought I was starting in a novel subtly laced with eroticism in a dystopian future, where cars have been transferred from vehicles of transportation into vehicles of communication.

But what I got was road kill.
Safe to say I didn't finish. And wouldn't advise someone to read this.
It just read like a lot of noise.

I've seen the movie a few years back, which wasn't all too bad. Although I remember that its meaning was lost on me during. Maybe I wasn't sure the crashes were intentional or not. I mainly remember it to be a quite serene movie, where atmosphere acted as a catalyst for the characters.

And after reading what happens to the dashboard instrument panels, I'm glad I've mainly had new cars to drive.

My advice to myself..

Check out these other reviews!!!